AWAY project aims to raise awareness on diversion, a restorative method in juvenile justice. There are available services and opportunities for diversion, but current measures are not appropriate or effective. Evidence based research, capacity buildings, different information campaigns take place in Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Belgium between 2017-2018.
The project is launched by the Regional Office for Central and South Eastern Europe of Terre des hommes and implemented by juvenile justice organisations throughout Europe. It is supported by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union and is currently implemented in 5 countries:
- Bulgaria, under the coordination of Program for the Development of the Judicial System (PDJS)
- Croatia, under the coordination of Brave Phone Croatia
- Romania, under the coordination of Terre des Hommes Helvetia in Romania
- Belgium, under the coordination of Defence for Children International (DCI) and the International Juvenile Justice Observatory (IJJO)
- Hungary, under the coordination of Terre des hommes Regional Office for C/SEE (project lead) and The Global Network for Public Interest Law – PILNET
The project aims at ensuring that multidisclinary professionals are more aware and better equipped on diversion for arrested / suspected children who benefit from the procedural guarantees they are entitled to as per EU directives 2016/800, 2012/13, 2012/29.
To reach this objective we aim to:
– Build regional empirical evidence base on diversion in the juvenile justice systems;
– Develop and deliver self-directed e-learning course;
– Organise one-to-one and group mentoring with multidisciplinary professionals around child-friendly practices in the area of diversion;
– Develop child-friendly and popularized informational materials for children and adults in the target countries;
– Inform both local and regional related policies and plans of action.
AWAY Short Communication Letter Download
Funded by the European Union