Belgium, Burundi.

Offering commercial legal advice to NFPs and social enterprises. 

The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) is a global community conservation organization that focuses on protecting chimpanzees and inspiring communities across the world to take action for people, animals, and the natural world we all share.

One of JGI Belgium’s primary focuses is reforestation projects to combat climate change. Through its Forest in One Day planting event, trees are planted in Belgium with the help of local forestry partners. To further increase the success of this annual planting event and add to its visibility, JGI Belgium recently chose to enter into a strategic partnership with Luminus.

Allen & Overy assisted JGI Belgium in forming this strategic partnership by providing pro bono advice and contract drafting expertise. The partnership with Luminus is now formalized for a three-year period whereby Luminus provides significant sponsoring to support JGI Belgium’s tree planting commitments. Yearly, a minimum of 12,000 trees will be planted in Belgium at three different locations during the annual planting event. In addition, JGI Belgium will plant another 1,200,000 trees per year in Africa.

JGI Belgium also collaborates with local forestry partners for this purpose. To smoothly manage these relations and extend cooperation with different forest groups in Flanders and Wallonia, Allen & Overy has provided JGI Belgium with framework agreements that can be specifically tailored to all parties’ interests.

The first planting event since JGI Belgium and Luminus joined forces yielded incredible results. On 2 February 2020, JGI Belgium, Luminus, and forestry partners planted 18,000 trees in Belgium and 1,200,000 trees in Burundi.

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