China, France, Japan.

Offering commercial legal advice to NFPs and social enterprises. 

In 2018, the DLA Piper lawyers from Shanghai and Paris undertook research for the Renewable Energy Institute, a not-for-profit organisation based in Tokyo engaged in studying the realisation of a cross-border renewable energy power grid in Asia, called the Asia Super Grid. The Asia Super Grid initiative aims to interconnect electric power systems of Asian countries, enabling mutual benefits by exchanging abundant natural renewable energy resources such as wind, solar and hydropower.

As the Paris Agreement enters the implementation stage, the development of an international power grid like the Asia Super Grid is critical to achieving 100% renewable energy.

The research undertaken by the lawyers related to renewable energy legislation in China as well as the legal arrangements for cross-border electricity supply in European countries.

The client publishes their research on the development of a super grid in an annual report on their website. To date, the published research is focused on the economic perspectives of an Asia Super Grid. DLA Piper research will be included in a future report looking at the legal aspects of the project.