Offering commercial legal advice to not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises
Providing legal assistance to Indigenous peoples who are disproportionately affected by the climate crisis
Norton Rose Fulbright Australia (NRFA) has provided pro bono advice to many environmental not-for-profit organisations that are committed to combatting climate change. A few key examples include:
1. NRFA has provided pro bono legal advice to a nature-based solution charity working to regenerate cleared agricultural land in the rainforest in North Queensland. As part of their operations, the client has been restoring and regenerating former agricultural land with native vegetation. Amongst other things, NRFA has assisted on matters relating to their continued investment in regeneration including the sale of carbon credits and governance matters.
2. NRFA has provided ongoing pro bono legal advice to a First Nations not-for-profit organisation that seeks to manage land in the Northern Territory according to First Nations land and fire management practices. NRFA has a long-standing relationship with this client and has assisted in relation to the organisation’s savannah burning projects and the sale of Australian Carbon Credit Units.
3. NRFA has established a strong relationship with a charitable organisation whose mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment. For example, we have provided ongoing pro bono advice in relation to several of their key projects relating to matters such as climate change, regeneration, net zero carbon targets, and creating sustainable and climate-resilient environments.