Bunthoeun Suon (2013)

Phnom Penh , KHM
Bunthoeun Suon is the project coordinator of the Human Rights Defenders Project with the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) in Phnom Penh. As a project coordinator, Bunthoeun participates in the project’s strategic development and provides risk management plan development support to human rights defenders. He also conducts legislative and media advocacy in order to improve legal protections for human rights defenders and raise awareness about the increasing restrictions of their rights by state authorities and the threats of incarceration and injury they face for carrying out their work. Bunthoeun is a qualified lawyer and received an LL.B. and LL.M. from the Royal University of Law and Economics in Cambodia. As a PILnet International Fellow, Bunthoeun will develop a project to expand protections for human rights defenders in Cambodia.