Giana Lin
Director and Board Member, Legal Centre for NGO
Speaker: Global Clearinghouse Lab, State of the Art: Pro Bono in South East Asia, October 19
Giana is the Director/Board Member of Legal Centre for NGO. Giana has over 10 years experience as a lawyer and is specialised in not-for-profit law, charity law, labour law and competition law areas. Giana joined Legal Centre ForNGO since its establishment in 2012. Giana designs and leads most research projects of ForNGO. Giana is the author of ‘Guidelines on NGO’s Labour Law Practices and Risk Control’ and a co-author of '2012 Report on the Development of Philanthropic Laws in China', Annual Report on China’s Civic Philanthropy Development (2012), 'Law Manual for NGOs in China (2014 Edition), ’Charity Law Handbook (supported by UNDP in 2018). Giana frequently publishes articles on NGO-related legal matters on publications and websites, and provides NGO-related legal services to multinational companies with headquarters in US or Europe.