Lucie Ripova (2003)

Prague , CZE
Lucie Ripova works in the Social Inclusion and Policy Unit of the Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affiars. Prior to this, she was CPT liaison officer and secretary to both the Committee Against Torture and the Committee of Biomedicine with the Secretariat of the Czech Government Council for Human Rights. Lucie has also served as vice president and director of the Czech Association for Mental Health in Prague, an organization that supports the development of modern, humane, and community-oriented approaches to caring for the mentally disabled in the country. As a PILnet International Fellow, Lucie worked on a project to systemically address the human rights of the mentally disabled through public education, legislative reform, and legal advocacy. Upon returning to Prague, she joined the Centre for Mental Health Care to advocate for and advise the mentally disabled, as well as head up a project to develop a network of service providers that is specially trained in mental health issues.