Ryanne Lai

Co-founder, ForeverGift.hk 遺善最樂
遺善最樂 ForeverGift.hk 共同創辦人

A lawyer qualified in Hong Kong and England and Wales, Ryanne co-founded a social enterprise ForeverGift.hk 遺善最樂 with her father in 2021 to promote legacy giving in Hong Kong. By offering a free, professional and user-friendly Will-writing service to the general public, anyone could leave a legacy and create a lasting impact on causes closest to their hearts. To date, legacy gifts made through our service have exceeded HKD 200m with over 100 charities named as beneficiaries. Previously, Ryanne worked at an international law firm and co-founded Dragon Law later known as Zegal, a legal technology company that offers modern legal solutions to SMEs.

Ryanne 是一名香港及英國律師,2021年與父親攜手創辦了本地社會企業《遺善最樂 ForeverGift.hk》,以推動「遺產捐贈」為理念,推出免費、專業及人性化的遺囑訂立服務,鼓勵大眾捐出遺產,為慈善機構留下一份「明日之禮」,讓每個人都可以延續信念和價值、為社會帶來影響。成立至今,遺贈金額超過港幣二億,受惠的慈善機構逾一百間。在此之前,Ryanne 曾任職跨國律師事務所,並創辦了中小企網上法律服務平台 Dragon Law (後來改稱 Zegal)。