Sukhrob Ismoilov (2004)

Tashkent , UZB
Sukhrob Ismoilov currently works with the NGO E’ZGULIK. Prior to this, he was Human Rights Officer with the Freedom House Uzbekistan Program. In this capacity he gained experience in providing consultations for human rights defenders and Uzbek citizens on legal and other issues, assisting human rights defenders and citizens to develop their communication and complaints to national and international bodies. Sukhrob has also designed and implemented human rights training events, and has experience in grants program management and coordination. Finally, his work has also included coordinating the Emergency Response Program for human rights activists, assessing needs of the human rights defenders' community in Uzbekistan and designing capacity building programs for them. Sukhrob received his bachelor’s degree in international public law at Tashkent University of World Economy and Diplomacy in 2001. His studies focused on the Uzbek national legal system, international public law and human rights law. As a PILnet International Fellow, Sukhrob developed a project on freedom of religion and conscience in Uzbekistan.