Zoe Chan (2019)

Melbourne , AUS
Zoe Chan, originally born in Hong Kong, is a lawyer who is passionate about effective and innovative partnerships between pro bono and community lawyers that deliver legal help to people stuck in the legal system. While completing her bachelor's and L.L.B degrees at the University of Queensland (UQ), Chan developed a keen interest in community law and was involved as a volunteer at the Refugee & Immigration Legal Service, the Queensland Public Interest Law Clearing House, and the University of Queenland's Asylum & Refugee Law Project. In 2019, Chan became a graduate of the Australian National University, with a master's degree in Legal Practice. Since 2016, Chan has worked on diverse projects at Justice Connect, most recently focusing on mobilizing pro bono support to work with self-represented litigants and help them gain legal empowerment. Chan strongly believes in the power of effective partnerships to make the law a tool for public good, and is keen to develop such insights to explore and tackle obstacles that prevent people from using the law to access justice in diverse jurisdictions, most notably Hong Kong.