**This resource was created in March 2022 and is no longer being updated by PILnet. Please email [email protected] with any questions.

This compilation of resources from our partners is for organizations or individuals who need basic legal assistance concerning people on the move or documenting human rights abuses in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

See related resources

New resources will be added regularly. If you would like to share a legal resource related to this crisis with PILnet’s civil society network, please contact us at [email protected].

Resources for people on the move:

Automated online tool providing different information about the asylum options for those from Ukraine, including for those stuck in the country and/or in neighboring countries.

Mobile application that allows people to receive free legal advice through a convenient online service. Responses to more than 1,100 free consultations that have already been provided are available for the public at here.

Expert Guide to refugee immigration and travel requirements: Information on key points from a number of CMS jurisdictions.

Information Sheet – Access to territory, asylum procedures and reception conditions for Ukrainian nationals in European countries.

Situational update on the war in Ukraine; and outlined the rapid response actions that the European Union and its Member States have taken to provide shelter and temporary protection (4 March 2022).

 A list of lawyers with expertise in migration law, human rights and refugee law, in the European countries, that are available to give advice for who is in need or to help collate information, on a pro bono basis.

Information for refugees Ukraine: Summary of temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees in Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia

Information for people of all nationalities who have fled the war in Ukraine about entering and finding assistance in other European countries.

This joint report, by Child Circle and KIND, provides an overview of key issues concerning the arrival vulnerable children after fleeing Ukraine under a common EU framework of measures to consider such as procedural safeguards and access to protection and safety.

Connects individuals seeking legal help and lawyers offering legal help.

Legal information—including a legal library, live events, and the ability to submit a question directly to a lawyer— for those displaced by the war in Ukraine who are seeking to enter or remain in the United States.

A resource summarizing the policies and requirements for Ukrainian nationals to enter other countries, including special programs set up in the wake of the crisis.

Information and news on US immigration and refugee laws, updated often, and a webinar on “US immigration policy for Ukrainian Nationals”

Helps refugees from Ukraine fleeing to a variety of countries connect with lawyers offering help and collects legal information on the related issues that can help the refugees find their way when they arrive in a new country.

Seeks to provide information to people affected by the crisis in Ukraine and to facilitate access to humanitarian assistance provided by third parties.

Information by country about immigration and refugee law for people on the move from Ukraine.


Resources for documenting war crimes:

Handbooks and Field Guides with written materials for civil society organizations and individuals seeking to document the alleged atrocity crimes and human rights violations being perpetrated in Ukraine.

Tech resources to document crimes and human rights violations.


For more help

PILnet and the European Pro Bono Alliance, a network of European Clearinghouses, wants to help people fleeing from Ukraine by sharing useful information resources they can turn to in each country specifically in their needs, including on their rights and legal remedies available. Information is being updated regularly based on information from the European Pro Bono Alliance network. While we take care to provide up-to-date information from publicly available sources, we are not in position to verify the usefulness or accuracy of this information.

PILnet і European Pro Bono Alliance, мережа європейських інформаційних центрів, бажає допомогти людям, вимушеним покинути Україну, шляхом поширення корисних інформаційних ресурсів, до яких можна звернутися у кожній країні за потреби, зокрема про їхні права та доступні правові засоби. Інформація нижче постійно оновлюється на основі даних із мережі Європейського Pro Bono Альянсу. Ми дбаємо про надання актуальної інформації із загальнодоступних джерел, проте не в змозі перевірити придатність чи точність цієї інформації.


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