Building Partnerships
PILnet together with the Core Group members of the Global Refugee Forum Pledge based in the Asia Pacific, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Asia Pacific Network of Refugees, and the Thomson Reuters Foundation are hosting the 2022 Asia Pro Bono Legal Community Roundtable (August) to foster new pro bono partnerships across Asia Pacific and explore what beyond pro bono the legal community can do to support the legal needs of those displaced.
Leading up to the roundtable, two preparatory workshops will be held to support legal aid service providers, RLOs and other NGOs working with and for refugees and others forcibly displaced, to develop pro bono projects to be pitched at the Roundtable.
Registration deadline for Stocktaking workshop: Monday, 23 May, 2022
Stocktaking Workshop
24 May: The Asia Legal Community Stocktaking Workshop will be an opportunity to highlight and assess the impact of the Pledge in the region so far, including to explore some of the projects matched and the partnerships established. The workshop will also serve as an opportunity for those new to the Pledge to learn more about the Pledge and to gain a general understanding of the legal resources available and what pro bono support can be offered by law firms. There will also be a focus on what, beyond pro bono matching, those involved in the GRF Legal Community Pledge could do better to support the legal needs of refugees-with a focus on the identification of concrete activities to be prioritized in the coming year.
Registration deadline for Stocktaking workshop: Monday, 23 May, 2022
Pro Bono Development
1 June: The Asia Legal Community Workshop will involve discussions with and between legal aid service providers and other NGOs/RLOs with the aim of preparing participants to design their own pro bono projects. Successful models of scoping and pitching a pro bono project from the last roundtable will be highlighted, together with a range of tips on how to develop and implement such projects. A pro bono project template and other tools will be shared with the participants to support the development of their project pitches for the upcoming Roundtable.