When: Monday, November 11 from 8:15 am – 5:15 pm
Where: Eastin Grand Sathorn Hotel Bangkok
Who: Pro bono practitioners within law firms
How to sign up? Just tick the box for the Global Convening of Law Firm Pro Bono Professionals when you register for the PILnet Global Forum.
This in-person-only gathering is a joint initiative of the Association of Pro Bono Counsel (APBCo), the Australian Community of Pro Bono Lawyers (ACPL), the European Pro Bono Initiative (EPBI) and the UK Collaborative Plan for Pro Bono (UKCP). The day will provide a unique opportunity for pro bono practitioners within law firms around the world to meaningfully connect with each other, exchange best practice, share innovative ideas and strategies, and delve into critical conversation on some of the most complex challenges confronting our sector.
Arrival and coffee
Session 1: Connect, Compare, Reflect
Discussion topics will include elements of a successful/mature/elevated pro bono practice, role prioritisation re practice management versus casework, different models of and strategies for firm engagement, balancing commercial considerations with meeting greatest need, and our global collective purpose.
Morning coffee break
Session 2: Tech Hacks
Practical session sharing specific tech programmes (AI or otherwise) that are helpful for tasks involved in pro bono management (will not include more general discussion about the benefits or challenges of AI/tech).
Lunch break
Session 4: Golden Project Workshop
Workshop drawing on the expertise in the room on how to develop “golden” pro bono projects that address a pressing social need, are immediately impactful, attract large numbers of volunteers who are drawn by the mission and the well-scoped legal work, have sustainable funding, and where the partner organizations all work efficiently and collaboratively together.
Afternoon coffee break
Session 5: Impact
Two-part discussion on (a) new ways we can look at measuring and reporting our impact, drawing on frameworks from other sectors and (b) how we can collectively think bigger picture about access to justice issues and strategically contributing to law reform to create more impact on a wider scale.