Nutri-Care seeks to tackle inequality of knowledge through education; the aim is to empower youths with the knowledge and awareness of food labels necessary to improve their access to healthy food. The primary goal of this project is to educate students of the health issues associated with unhealthy snacks and the health choices of snacks available to them. It aims at narrowing the gap of knowledge amongst children of various backgrounds, by educating them of issues regarding unhealthy snack choices.

The components of the project includes:

  1. School Talks The talks aim at influencing students’ mindset, leading to their willingness to change their eating habits
  2. Social Media Updates An informative social media website will be set up for constant updates and reminders to keep the campaign active and engaged
  3. Snackathon: Board Game Education (Nutrition, Food Labelling and Consumer Rights) An educational tool that helps children to go through a simulation based on real life food choices to generate either a positive or negative outcome which will represent the choices that they make in the real world and how these choices impact them

Team Members:

Li Tin Wai Tiffany, City University of Hong Kong
Liu Ho Yee Bobbo, City University of Hong Kong
Murjana Marafa, City University of Hong Kong

Read the full proposal here.