Providing Legal Tools
PILnet provides trainings and tools for organizations and social enterprises to strengthen their legal capacity and resilience on a variety of legal topics. These topics include establishing charitable status, designing an operational structure for social enterprises, strengthening organizational governance, understanding legal frameworks of relevant issues, and advocacy techniques.
In 2018, PILnet partnered with the NGO Governance Platform Project of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), an umbrella organization that represents 468 non-governmental social service organizations in Hong Kong. Together, PILnet and HKCSS paired organizations with pro bono lawyers to provide tailored consultations and legal assistance on their governance documents. Additionally, PILnet assisted HKCSS and Mayer Brown to develop a corporate governance manual for Hong Kong NGOs that introduces a suggested framework of an organization’s governance manual and the requirements and standards for compiling each section.
In the broader Asian region, PILnet, in partnership with local organizations, also hosts study tours for leaders of local and community-based organizations to share methods and strategies for effective legal advocacy for social justice across country borders.