To help individuals fleeing Ukraine and the NGOs and services providers who are supporting them, PILnet, DLA Piper, Amazon’s global legal department, and other law firm partners have prepared country guidance with legal and administrative information. This guidance contains information on travel documents, registration, access to social, medical, and housing services, as well as information about administrative steps to establish yourself in the country of your choice.

Натисніть тут для версії українською мовою.

Additional resoures

Following the outbreak of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the European legal community has not stood on the sidelines in the Ukrainian refugee crisis. Many initiatives being implemented by Bar Associations, law firms, law schools and other organisations to support Ukrainian legal professionals, law professors, and law students.

This report, created by DLA Piper,  includes research on the different initiatives conducted in twelve European countries.

Ukrainian Legal Professionals And Students In Europe Report



Guidance for People Fleeing Ukraine

If you are fleeing the conflict in Ukraine and need further information about your rights, implementation of the European Temporary Protection Directive, or the services you can access, please contact [email protected]. Volunteer lawyers from the UK and Europe will assess your case, respond to your question or refer your query to other service providers through a secure platform.

This information will be updated regularly according to evolving regulations, including new country resources being added and updated information and new questions answered within the country profiles. The information is currently available in English and will soon be translated in Ukrainian.

**This publication does not constitute an individual assessment of the reader’s case and should not be construed as direct legal advice to the reader. PILnet and participating law firms will accept no responsibility for action taken or not taken on the basis of the information provided.**