1. Charitable Foundation for assistance to persons with Parkinson's Disease "Movement is Life":
Russian charitable foundation from Astrakhan needs legal advice on regulations of advertisement on the Internet
NGO: Charitable Foundation for assistance to persons with Parkinson’s Disease “Movement is Life”
Website: https://fondparkinson.ru/
Project: Legal advice on the regulations of advertisement on the Internet
Jurisdiction: Russia
Legal topics: Advertising legislation, labeling of advertising products on the Internet
Deadline: July 31, 2024 NEW ASAP
Language: Russian
Criteria: Knowledge of advertising legislation
Additional Information:
Charitable Foundation “Movement – Life” was created to help and support patients with Parkinson’s disease at different stages of the disease and their relatives. The mission of the foundation is to provide comprehensive assistance to patients with Parkinson’s disease for their further, maximum possible full life. And also, building a medical system for working with Parkinson’s patients.
The Foundation has a website, as well as channels/communities on social networks, where the Foundation posts information about its activities, Foundation projects, treatment and rehabilitation methods, as well as partnership programs. In connection with recent changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising, the Foundation currently requires advice from pro bono lawyers on the need to label part of the information posted on the Foundation’s Internet resources.
2. Pro Bono De Jure:
Public organization from Tajikistan seeks legal assistance in drafting an individual complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee
NGO:Pro Bono De Jure
Website: Facebook
Project: Drafting an individual complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee
Jurisdiction: UN Human Rights Committee
Legal topics: UN jurisprudence, right to personal liberty and security, civil rights, fair trial
Deadline: August 31, 2024 NEW ASAP
Language: English
Criteria: Experience in submitting individual complaints to the UN Human Rights Committee, understanding of Articles 9 and 14 of the ICCPR
Additional Information:
Pro Bono De Jure is a Tajik public organization registered in 2022, primarily focused on promoting human rights through strategic litigation.
The organization is dedicated to strengthening the institution of an independent legal profession, promoting Pro Bono culture among lawyers in Tajikistan, and introducing international mechanisms for the protection of human rights in the activities of practicing lawyers.
One of the cases handled by the organization involves the protection of human rights against arbitrary detention and involuntary treatment in a mental hospital without a court order. All domestic legal remedies in this case have been exhausted.
Currently, the organization seeks the assistance of pro bono lawyers in drafting an individual complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee concerning violations of Article 9 (right to liberty and security of person) and Article 14 (right to a fair trial) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
3. Disability Rights Agenda:
Armenian organization working with people with disabilities seeks legal help to challenge discriminatory act in court
NGO: Disability Rights Agenda
Website: https://dra.am/
Project: Legal assistance with preparation documents and representation in court
Jurisdictions: Armenia
Legal topics: Human rights, discrimination, challenging legal acts
Deadline: September 30, 2024 NEW
Language: Armenian
Criteria: Experience in appealing regulatory legal acts, judicial representation, knowledge in human rights
Additional Information:
“Disability Rights Agenda” is an organization that aims to promote, protect and monitor the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in the Republic of Armenia. Their mission is to eliminate disability-based discrimination and ensure everyone can participate in society on an equal basis with others.
Since the 1990s, Armenia has had a system to assess disabilities, which provided each person with an Individual Rehabilitation Plan (IRP).
In 2023, the government changed this system. The new system develops an Individual Service Plan (ISP) for each person after their assessment. A recent government decree passed on June 27 requires that if a person with a disability doesn’t have an ISP (not IRP), they must be reassessed to continue receiving assistive technologies and support services. This means that assistive devices and services are no longer guaranteed based on the old system’s assessment. The NGO considers these new changes as discriminatory as it forces individuals to undergo reassessment, potentially reducing their benefits and creating uncertainty about their support and services. Since 2021 Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) may apply to court for discrimination cases (actio popularis).
Currently, the NGO seeks for pro bono legal assistance with:
1) Review of the court application;
2) Legal representation of their interests in court on the issue of recognizing a government resolution as discriminatory (2nd point of the decree).
4. Anonymously:
Unregistered initiative from Russia needs legal assistance in drafting agreements with volunteers
NGO: Anonymously
Website: Anonymously
Project: Legal assistance with drafting volunteers agreements
Jurisdictions: Russia
Legal topics: Activities of NGOs, labor law, regulation of relations with volunteers
Deadline: December 01, 2024 NEW
Language: Russian
Criteria: Knowledge of labor law and regulation of volunteer activities, contract law
Additional Information:
The initiative is the only non-binary organization in the EECA region that aims to make visible the needs of non-binary people among LGBTQ+ people. Using the slogan “nothing for us without us,” the Initiative is creating a community of non-binary people providing peer counseling services, psychological assistance, support groups; as well as media, all workers (from editors to illustrators) of which are non-binary people.
Currently, the Initiative needs the assistance of pro bono lawyers with drafting a volunteer agreement with volunteers who are constantly involved in the activities of the Initiative, to consolidate their agreements, determine responsibility, as well as the safety of other participants.
5. PILnet:
International public interest law organization seeks pro bono legal assistance with educational course on environmental law in Russia
Website: https://www.pilnet.org/
Project: Preparing video lectures for an educational course on environmental law in Russia
Jurisdictions: Russia
Legal topics: Environmental law, environmental rights
Deadline: August, 2024 ASAP
Language: Russian
Criteria: Knowledge in environmental law and environmental rights, experience in using judicial and extrajudicial mechanisms for protecting environmental rights, knowledge in ESG
Additional Information:
PILnet is an international non-governmental organization that creates opportunities for social change by unlocking law’s full potential. PILnet work has focused on mobilizing all lawyers to use their expertise and skills to benefit civil society organizations (“CSOs”) and the communities they serve, empowering them to recognize and use the full potential of law to address the needs of communities they work with, as well as to strengthen their resilience.
Environmental law and rights are crucial today as they protect the environment, human health, and promote sustainability. Understanding them empowers individuals to engage in decision-making, protect their environment, access remedies for violations, and advocate for sustainable practices. This knowledge is essential for promoting environmental protection, holding authorities accountable, and ensuring a healthier, more sustainable future for all.
To help non-profit organizations, students and all parties interested in protecting environmental rights, PILnet is working with partners to develop an educational course on environmental law and environmental rights.
The objectives of the course are: to show general theses and trends in environmental law in the modern world; provide an understanding of environmental rights, current issues and their consequences in case of inaction; teach legal methods and mechanisms for protecting the environment and environmental rights in Russia; to increase and strengthen the community of lawyers and activists protecting nature through law and promoting environmental rights.
The PILnet team, in collaboration with partners, has developed a course outline that consists of 20 lessons, each of which includes 5-7 minute videos, as well as additional materials for training and presentation. The course will be hosted on the PILnet learning platform. The course is scheduled to launch in September 2024.
PILnet is currently seeking pro bono lawyers to cover the following topics:
- Recovery of damage to health
- The downside of ESG – “greenwashing”
The course program will be provided upon request from interested lawyers.
6. Terra-HS:
Moldovan NGO needs legal assistance with the liquidation of their nonprofit
NGO: Terra-HS
Website: –
Project: Legal assistance with nonprofit liquidation
Jurisdictions: Moldova
Legal topics: Nonprofit liquidation, tax
Deadline: August, 2024
Language: Russian or English
Criteria: Knowledge of non-profit liquidation process
Additional Information:
Terra-HS was created for the sustainable development of the village of Galesti, Straseni district, Moldova. In connection with the achievement of the goal of creation, the founders of the organization decided to liquidate it. In November 2022, official information about the liquidation of the NGO was published in Monitorul Oficial (Nr 343-348 (8387-8392). However, since then the founders have no information about the current status of liquidation, as well as about the timing of completion of the liquidation process.
Currently the NGO needs legal assistance of pro bono lawyers to complete the liquidation process.
7. PILnet:
International public interest law organization seeks assistance with research on employment law to support new Global Employment Guide for nonprofit organizations
Website: https://www.pilnet.org/
Project: Research on employment law to support a new Global Employment Guide for nonprofits
Jurisdictions: Georgia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, more information about other jurisdictions here
Legal topics: Employment law, remote work, independent consultants
Deadline: August, 2024 (flexible) Ongoing
Language: English
Criteria: Expertise in employment law, knowledge of taxation and non-profit law in relation to employment
Additional Information:
PILnet is a global non-governmental organization that creates opportunities for social change by unlocking law’s full potential. With programs in Europe & Eurasia, Asia, and at the global level, PILnet aims to reclaim and reimagine the role of law so that it works for the benefit of all.
For many employers, the pandemic and the increasing displacement of workers following events in Ukraine, Russia and Afghanistan has led to a greater diversity in types of workers and their physical location. For non-profit organizations, it can be difficult to navigate and comply with the legal framework as it applies to each of these types of workers and the different jurisdictions they work in.
PILnet is working on a project that aims to strengthen the resilience and autonomy of non-profit organizations by providing an easily accessible and user-friendly guide on employment laws in numerous jurisdictions worldwide. Currently, PILnet together with its partners have completed work on developing a questionnaire for the research and looking for pro bono lawyers to research the employment labor laws in their respective jurisdictions.
8. PILnet:
The Global Nonprofits Guide 2.0 seeks pro bono assistance with the legal research on all aspects of non-profit registration and operation in various jurisdictions
Website: https://www.pilnet.org/
Project: Legal research on all aspects relating to non-profit registration and operation
Jurisdictions: Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, more information about jurisdictions here
Legal topics: Non-profit registration, taxation, employment law, opening an organizational bank account, non-profit reporting mechanisms
Deadline: August, 2024 (flexible) Ongoing
Language: English
Criteria: Legal expertise in non-profit entity registration, taxation, employment law
Additional Information:
DLA Piper, ECNL, and PILnet joined forces to create a Global Guide on how to set up charities around the world. It is a guide for organizations waiting to move their operations to another country or open new organizations abroad. This project aims to strengthen the resilience and autonomy of non-profit organizations by providing an easily accessible and user-friendly platform on non-profit registration.
In the beginning of March 2024, the Global Nonprofits Guide 2.0 was launched. Our cooperation with the Force for Good technical assistance team helped us to achieve greater impact and make the information more user-friendly for the end users. The Guide 2.0 also encompasses information on how to find a lawyer for to-be-registered NGO representatives and offers great resources on NGO operation.
We are currently looking for lawyers to cover more jurisdictions for the Guide. Lawyers will be asked to answer an online questionnaire to complete the research.
9. Adore Georgia:
Georgia based refugee-led organization seeks assistance in drafting legal contracts for volunteer recruitment
NGO: Adore Georgia
Website: –
Project: Legal advice on volunteer and employment contracts
Jurisdictions: Georgia
Legal topics: Employment law
Deadline: October 11, 2024
Language: English
Criteria: Expertise in employment law
Additional Information:
Adore Georgia is a refugee-led organization based in Georgia. The organization’s aim is to raise awareness and advocate for the needs of refugees within both refugee and host communities. Their mission includes supporting refugees and asylum seekers across Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan to achieve self-sufficiency by establishing businesses and becoming independent individuals. They also conduct capacity-building training sessions aimed at enhancing refugee integration into Georgia’s labor market.
To align with Georgian regulations and provide a safe workspace for their refugee volunteers and employees, Adore Georgia seeks free legal assistance with the drafting of employment and volunteer contracts to govern their engagement with these members of their community.