Providing Legal Tools

PILnet provides trainings and tools for organizations and social enterprises to strengthen their legal capacity and resilience on a variety of legal topics. By remaining compliant with the law and being economically stable, organized civil society can, in turn, build healthier and more resilient societies.

Recently, PILnet launched the Compliance Bridge pilot project (“Compliance Híd”), a collaboration between law firms, corporate compliance experts, and banks to produce  various compliance tools  aimed to help local civil society stay compliant with the ever-changing regulatory environment. Building upon the success of this project, PILnet, in partnership with expert law firms and companies, creates and offers fresh new tools including a series of webinar trainings on practical data security, GDPR compliance, and other legal compliance issues.

As of May 2020, over 400 people have participated in a live webinar or viewed the recording of it as part of this series

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